• Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium

    "Society promoted by Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of
    Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India"

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Limited Expression of Interest (EOI) For Empanelment of Cluster Based Business Organizations (CBBOs) | Extenion of the position of Consultant till 26.02.2025 | Request for Proposal for Selection of National Project Management Agency (NPMA) for Central Sector Scheme for Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) || GeM BID No.GEM-2025-B-5906377 || | Vacany Notice for the position of Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Consultant (Finance) on contractual basis in SFAC Last date 21.02.2025 | Extension for the position of Young Professional (CA) on contractual basis in SFAC | SFAC invites applications for the following vacant posts on deputation basis | Vacancy Notice for various positions on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 07.02.2025 | Vacancy Notice for the post of Accounts Officer on deputation in SFAC | Extension Notice - for the posts of Manager (Finance), Field Officer, Legal Officer and Estate Office on deputation basis in SFAC | Vacancy Notice for Young Professionals on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 31.01.2025 | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Deputy Director (PDF) on deputation basis in SFAC | Vacancy Notice for various positions on deputation basis in SFAC. | Vacancy Notice for various positions on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 28.10.2024
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Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is an Autonomous Society promoted by Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India. It was registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 18th January, 1994

The Society is governed by Board of Management which is chaired, ex-officio, by Hon’ble Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare as the President and the Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, is the ex-officio Vice-President.

SFAC is implementing the central schemes of Government of India namely VCA, EGCGS for economic inclusion of small and marginal farmers in agribusiness activities.

Society is pioneer in organising small and marginal farmers as Farmers Interest Groups, Farmers Producers Organisation and Farmers Producers Company for endowing them with bargaining power and economies of scale. It provides a platform for increased accessibility and cheaper availability of agricultural inputs to small and marginal farmers and in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain management. This initiative has triggered mobilization of farmers for aggregation across the country with ultimate aim of sustainable business model and augmented incomes.

Recently the Society has been entrusted with the task ofimplementation of the critically important Delhi KisanMandi and National Agriculture Market Scheme on e-platform to progressively free agricultural trade and offer price discovery to farmers.