• Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium

    "Society promoted by Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of
    Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India"

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Limited Expression of Interest (EOI) For Empanelment of Cluster Based Business Organizations (CBBOs) | Extenion of the position of Consultant till 26.02.2025 | Request for Proposal for Selection of National Project Management Agency (NPMA) for Central Sector Scheme for Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) || GeM BID No.GEM-2025-B-5906377 || | Vacany Notice for the position of Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Consultant (Finance) on contractual basis in SFAC Last date 21.02.2025 | Extension for the position of Young Professional (CA) on contractual basis in SFAC | SFAC invites applications for the following vacant posts on deputation basis | Vacancy Notice for various positions on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 07.02.2025 | Vacancy Notice for the post of Accounts Officer on deputation in SFAC | Extension Notice - for the posts of Manager (Finance), Field Officer, Legal Officer and Estate Office on deputation basis in SFAC | Vacancy Notice for Young Professionals on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 31.01.2025 | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Deputy Director (PDF) on deputation basis in SFAC | Vacancy Notice for various positions on deputation basis in SFAC. | Vacancy Notice for various positions on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 28.10.2024
Home   Objectives & Work Scope

Objectives and Work Scope

  • To catalyze agro-industrial growth in the country based on the principles of:
       (a) Ecological sustainability
       (b) Economic efficiency
       (c) Social equity
  • To undertake or assist in undertaking programs for employment generation, growth and diversification of agriculture & agro-based industries to increase food production and export of agriculture products, in both primary and processed forms.
  • To identify and promote post-harvest processing/manufactures units in the public , private and cooperative sector.
  • To promote organization of marketing chain both for domestic and export marketing.
  • To influence Government policies for agriculture, there by increasing the flow of resources and augmenting the rate of capital formation in agriculture sector.
  • To pave the way for establishment of integrated producers’ organizations with forward and backward linkages.
  • To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals, monographs in furtherance of the objectives of the society.
Work Scope

SFAC in addition to the endeavors complying with its core objectives, also takes up implementation of schemes and programs of various Government of India (GoI), Ministries and Departments and other Financial Institutions and Banks on a service charge basis. The SFAC society is currently implementing the following schemes and programs viz.

The Schematic Pattern of Assistance from SFAC, out of GoI grants-in-aid for promotion of value addition in the hands of farmers, through setting up part-processing, semi-processing and full-processing facilities through the setting up of AgriBusiness ventures all over the country mostly in collaboration with the private sector and active cooperation of commercial banks

SFAC provides to agribusiness projects involving value addition in the hands of farmers. Most of these projects involve agri-partner and post harvest management, marketing etc.

SFAC is endowed with the task of implementation of National Agriculture Market by setting up of an appropriate common e-market platform through private partnership that would be deployable in selected regulated wholesale markets in State/wholesale markets in States/Union Territories (UT) desirous of joining the e-platform.

SFAC has been identified as central procurement agency by GoI for price stabilization of onion and pulses under Price Stabilization Fund.