Vacancy Notice
Extension for the post of Manager (Finance) and Accounts Officer. Last Date 09.04.2025.pdf
Notice- Vacancy notice for the post of Manager (F) and account officer on deputation basis in SFAC -reg
Vacancy Notice for the position of two Dy. Project Coordinators in SFAC. Last date 09.04.2025
Vacancy Notice for the Positions of Consultant in SFAC- reg
Vacancy Notice for the Positions of Consultant (Finance) in SFAC- reg
Extenion of the position of Consultant till 26.02.2025
Last date extension for Vacancy Notice for the positions of Dy. Project Coordinator (FFPO), Project Assistant (FFPO), Project Assistant (FPO) and Consultant on contractual basis in SFAC
Vacany Notice for the position of Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Consultant (Finance) on contractual basis in SFAC Last date 21.02.2025
- Extension for the position of Young Professional (CA) on contractual basis in SFAC
SFAC invites applications for the following vacant posts on deputation basis
Vacancy Notice for various positions on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 07.02.2025
Vacancy Notice for the post of Accounts Officer on deputation in SFAC
Vacancy Notice for Young Professionals on contractual basis in SFAC. Last date 31.01.2025
Notice - for the posts of Manager (Finance), Field Officer, Legal Officer and Estate Office on deputation basis in SFAC
Notice - for the post for Deputy Director (PDF) on deputation basis in SFAC
Vacancy Notice for the Post of Deputy Director (PDF) on deputation basis in SFAC
Vacancy Notice for various positions on deputation basis in SFAC.